SV Lotus temple offers sincere thanks to you and your family members for your continued patronage in the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara. As you know, temple solely relies on tax-deductible contributions from devotees, for its monthly operations including facilities maintenance, mortgage payments, priest salaries, etc.
Temple currently carries a mortgage of $6M, which was utilzed for phase-1 construction, and we are seeking your generous support to make the temple debt free, for us and our future generations.
Monthly Debit Program is highly recommended for every working member of the community. Our goal is to have at least 1000 monthly subscriptions for this program, to cover the monthly mortgage. This will allow other donation contributions to be utilized for the most ambitious phase-2 construction.
Pledge Count
(Target: 1000)

So we humbly request you to participate in the "Loan Reduction Seva" program and invite your family and friends as well to pledge.
Monthly Donation
Amount: $51 $101 $201 $301 $501 $1001 $2001 $5001
Duration: 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
Start Date: Pick a date
Selected Donation:
Personal Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Payment Information:
Payment By: Credit Card Personal/Business Check
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Account Type:
Account Number:
Name on Account:
Routing Number: